View Full Version : Queen of the Damned...

03-25-2003, 03:30 AM
Ok, I saw the second half of this movie tonight on HBO, but I am confused. Where does this tie in with Interview With a Vampire? Queen of the Damned, the movie anyway, takes place in the present or at least it appeared that way. Now Interview, went over a few different time periods. How is Lestat younger in Queen than he is in Interview? I assume that in the books, Queen was first and Interview was second, but if that is the case then it doesn't make any sense with the movies, I am so confused! Can someone clear this up?

03-25-2003, 06:21 AM
Jyrann's post (http://www.beyondtheportal.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6763&highlight=Queen+of+the+Damned)

Ask Jyrann, he seems to know a little about the books.

03-25-2003, 11:33 AM
Well I had typed up a whole reply and it crashed on me ... so basicaly the only thing tying the two together is Lestat and they just did a piss poor job on making the movie :D

03-25-2003, 01:37 PM
OMG! You are so leaving me hanging :( So which is first and all that, I am more confused now, fu J! :finger:

03-25-2003, 06:32 PM
Alright I'll try it again ...

First off the books go in this order Interview With the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat then Queen of the Damned.

Basically Interview was about the relationship between Louis and Lestat and was an introduction for Lestat's character who is the central piece in all of the following books of the Vampire Chronicles apart from The Vampire Armand.

Now, in QotD, everything up to the concert is "from" The Vampire Lestat. Personally, this will sound harsh but I think after what's her face died, they shoulda scrapped the whole Queen of the Damned and just gone for a movie completely Based on The Vampire Lestat (which they almost did, but I figure since they already shot some of the scenes with her they decided to throw this piece of trash movie together). They took so many creative liberties with part of the movie that it made me cringe (Marius did not make Lestat).

And everything after the concert is so confusing that it really hurt to watch :P

What really made Interview such a better movie then QotD was the fact that Anne Rice actually wrote the screen play for Interview, while was completely left out of writing on QotD.

And Lestat isn't really younger, as you can tell, that wasn't Tom Cruise :D

Read the books, and you'll see how much better Interview really is then QotD, and it'll answer sooooo many more of your questions. It's been awhile since I've read the books now. :\

03-25-2003, 06:53 PM
So who created Lestat and what happened to Louis?

Ganja John
03-25-2003, 07:03 PM
You know, I saw the movie last night on HBO. I thought it stunck. I didn't even know it was related to interview with a vlad.

03-25-2003, 10:04 PM
I forget who exactly created Lestat, but he killed himself right after he did. Lestat then lived in Paris for a number of years on his own. He then made a vampire out of his best friend Nikki, and to save his ailing mother, also made a vampire out of her. Some stuff went down and so he moved to America, and that's essentially where Interview picks up ... well, that was a really condensed version of it :D

Louis is in every book, they just sorta cut him out ... he's in the cabal that helps destroy Akasha at the end of QotD ... if you look at the credits i believe he's mentioned...

03-26-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by G. John Doe
interview with a vlad.

Nice :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: