View Full Version : GvG Build guide

12-05-2005, 11:54 AM
Guild-vs-Guild Build Design
The Valandor develops its GvG team builds to a plan. Examples include focused "spike damage," heavy use of damage-over-time (DOT) effects, or builds designed to shutdown enemy Monks completely. Most often, Val members plan on heavily stressing some of their enemy's skill choices, while rendering others useless. One such method requires using a lot of Hexes to overtax the enemy Monk's anti-Hex skills, while not using any Conditions, thus turning any of the Monk's Condition-removal skills into wasted skill slots.
All builds have advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to keep these in mind at all times. The pros and cons should be considered both while designing and playing the build. Keeping this in mind, the Valandor has found an effective way to develop new builds: Find a good base setup that works for your team and use that as a template. Valandor's normal "template" is outlined below.
• One "runner." This character has the task of carrying the flag and distracting the enemy's flag carrier. Typically, the runner spends a lot of time separate from the team, and this needs to be considered when selecting skills. Speed boosts, damage resistance, and the ability to fight one-on-one are important. Any other skills should supplement the team build.

• Two or three healers. These characters need to work well together, with a plan for how they will handle situations such as removing Hexes and Conditions. It is important to avoid over-healing or using excessive removal skills when dealing with Hexes and Conditions. Consider having guild members specialize in Healing, as this is a key role.

• One or two "toolbox" characters. The Valandor uses a "toolbox" character to help minimize any weaknesses in the build. For example, if the team build has a vulnerability to Warriors, the toolbox characters equip anti-Warrior skills. These characters can also equip skills designed to counter enemy characters that could cause the build trouble. Valandor members typically utilize Mesmer characters for this role, due to the diversity of skills available to the class. Be prepared to change the setup on a toolbox character frequently while testing a new build.

• Three or four "build" characters. These characters, one of whom should be the target caller, define a build. The design of these characters depends entirely on the goal of your build. For example, a "spike damage" build might include a few Elementalists who make heavy use of Lightning skills.
The strategy employed during a match will vary depending on your team's build and your enemy's build. It is crucial that all players on the team know their character well and fully understand their role in the build. As a team, always work on improving teamwork and building efficiency. An efficient build--one that uses the least resources for the required effect--can mean the difference between failure and success.

Build Design Quick Tips
When designing a new build, Valandor offers the tips and strategies below.
• Develop your build from a base idea, and choose skills that best support that idea. This should produce a better base build than simply selecting skills that "look good."

• Remember to consider the potential weaknesses and strengths of your build. Keep these in mind, and try to find skills that enhance the build's strengths and minimize its weaknesses.

• Features such as flag stands in GvG become very important battlegrounds in close matches. Remember to consider this when constructing a team build.

• Do not waste too many skill slots on resurrection skills. Resurrection should only be needed if someone makes a critical error. Including too many resurrect skills reduces the efficiency of a build and usually only results in prolonging an already lost battle.

• Try to include Energy-management skills on each character. Energy is a key resource for all characters--especially casters. Additionally, Energy management skills are a good counter against enemies using Energy denial.

• When deciding who will play each character in a build, assign the more complex characters to the most experienced players.

• After testing a build, each player should adjust his assigned character in consultation with the rest of the team. Remember that any changes to one character can have an effect on the entire team strategy.

12-05-2005, 09:46 PM
Great read....... solid info too. This is going to take a lot of brain power to figure out what works best. I think that it would be a good idea to befriend a new guild as scrim buddies. That way we are learning together. If we dont think that this is a good way to go about it we should start with a "proven" build we can try to grow from. We have enough people that understand the classes well enough to be able to branch out from "typical" into "insightful" builds.

Just me 2 cents........ anyone?

12-05-2005, 10:10 PM
Well as i was just walking around work i thought of something. Since that post by stuffit we can start to thing of where we stand in reference of what build types we lack as a guild. So here is what I have:

Name Main Build Secondary Builds

Stuffit War/Ranger Necro/Monk/Ele

Kancer Warrior Mesmer

Artis Ele ?

Barry Ranger/Monk/War Mesmer

Vas Necro/War Monk/Mesmer/War

Hex War/Mesmer Necro/Monk

Sasha Ranger/Monk Necro/cant recall ranger secondary

Bleu Monk/Necro/Ele Mesmer

Veloxx Monk/War/Nec Mes

I think that this kinda outlines everyone that reads these forums builds/secondary skills. Now if this is correct (which i think i am fairly close) we all kinda know where we need to work on. It seems that we are least strong in the monk realm. I personally dont mind being a monk, sasha is getting used to hers, barry i think is the strongest (he and veloxx) healer. I know nobody "enjoys" being a healer. But I think that we need to assign these roles first. I will volunteer as a permanant healer, but I know that i will need to work on it in PvP situations.

Once again my 2 cents.......... anyone?

12-06-2005, 03:09 PM
I think my strong suit is Tank, I know that I do really well playing that role in team or competition arenas. I am fairly good and healer/protector as well. I will do what the guilds needs. I have 5 chars and trying to learn all the skills and professions so I can do anything we need. Rangers are strong and seem to be the up and coming thing to be, I have one and all the skills that go with it.

12-06-2005, 04:12 PM
I have no problem being any of the toolbox or build or runner characters. Spiking, energy denial, interrupt, degen, whatever. I just don't like healing much, or tanking, but I can still do those. Still working on getting all my W and E skills tho

12-06-2005, 08:00 PM
Well so far we have a tank/runner (stuffit) A monk (Bleu) A toolbox/build/tank (vas) I think that I could fall into the toolbox area as well, I have extensive knowledge of the caster classes and feel that i play them well......

Anyone else like to sign up for one of these?

12-06-2005, 11:18 PM
I will be looking at a more serious build for my Ele. I don't have the time right now but I will after next week when finals are over! yay!

12-07-2005, 09:04 AM
Sasha is so cool!!